Thursday, March 17, 2011

St. Patrick's Day, FB Party and Art -- Woo Hoo!

Happy St. Patrick's Day to everyone! I just printed out a thematic unit study from for today (which is free this week when you subscribe to their site!). I really like this site because they offer a free downloadable study each week to their subscribers, and the topics are always interesting. This is a good size study for my 1st grader son. It includes a short history of St. Patrick with questions, spelling words, a maze, crossword puzzle, a word search (which he loves!), and a matching game & coloring page. At only 18 pages, it packs a lot in a little package!

I am looking forward to attending the Apologia Facebook Party this evening! I haven't tried their science books yet in our homeschool, but am looking forward to adding them in next year (I've seen the books and am impressed with them). I can't wait to see what information is shared this evening by other homeschool parents and the Apologia team.
My friend, Lexi, of the Pink and Orange Coffee blog ( ) has been inviting me to join her in "Walls of Art Wednesday." This week our homeschool group held a Crafts Fair at the library. For a small fee, each child received 10 tickets which they could redeem for the craft of their choice. My son chose 3 foam/paper plate dinosaurs, a sailing ship, an owl, 2 different dragons, a turtle fan, and 2 more items we'll finish this week at home. I wish I'd remembered to bring a bottle of regular white glue, but I did grab my glue gun and extra glue sticks (which I used while my son "supervised"). I also brought along some extra foam stickers (my son used the letters to put his name on the back of his turtle), and a glue stick which proved totally useless on the foam (once again, really glad I brought the glue gun!).  We'll probably create something "green" today for St Patrick's Day. I know there is a Leprechaun's hat coloring page in the thematic unit study. Maybe we'll make some Leprechaun dust with pistachio pudding while we're at it! (You can find the idea at

Have fun!


Friday, March 11, 2011

Counting My Blessings

This morning I thought of sharing how blessed we were to miss the most severe thunderstorms yesterday evening, or of how my son wanted to turn off all the lights to "keep the lightening from coming inside the house"  -- he doesn't quiet grasp yet that the house is "grounded".  While I was pondering my blog topic, I turned on the morning news...

Like most of you, I was shocked to see the devastation in Japan. My heart aches for all those affected, and the hundreds that surely have been lost in the terrible tsunami that followed the earthquake. I ask that you all join me in praying for the Japanese people, and that we all hug our own children just a little closer today.


Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Yea for Fruits and Veggies

I apologize for not posting lately. After dental surgery (me) and an episode of the stomach flu (my son), I hope to be back on track -- at least as much as possible! LOL

This week started with the inaugural meeting of "Health Nuts", a group organized by a local homeschool Mom to raise awareness of healthy eating, nutrition and food options. Not only are we sharing information and tips with other Moms, but the kids have their own nutrition class. After the first kid's class, my son came home with a calendar and "homework" to track the amount of fruits and veggies he eats daily for the next 2 weeks. He will report back with his calendar at our next meeting. He was so excited and immediately started using his markers to record the fruits and veggies he had eaten for the past 2 days when we got home. He then asked what additional fruits and veggies he could have to add more servings to his calendar! Yippee!! We decided to add a serving of applesauce as a side to his sandwich at lunch, and he helped me blend fruit smoothies with mixed fruit, vanilla Greek yogurt, almond milk and ice cubes to accompany supper last night.

Today I'll focus on adding veggies. I realize I am lucky because my son actually LIKES salad, but it wasn't always this way.  When he was 3 he did not want to eat any veggies except a plain green salad with ranch dressing. Since iceberg lettuce doesn't have very many nutrients, I started substituting green leaf lettuce and slowly mixed in baby spinach leaves. Now that he is older, he is interested in trying new foods. I credit part of this to watching the Food Network, particularly "Worst Cooks In America". He enjoys watching Chef Anne and Chef Robert's creations, and is fascinated by some of the "new" foods and cooking techniques.

Being an avid reader and cookbook lover, I also use books for inspiration. When W was in his "I don't like veggies" phase, I learned about "The Sneaky Chef". She offers lots of terrific and delicious ideas that incorporate fruits and veggies. Some creative ideas include cauliflower in macaroni & cheese, breakfast ice cream (really!), and other "kid friendly" foods fixed with a healthy twist.

Since our nutrition group met at the local library, I also picked up a few kid friendly cookbooks we can use in the kitchen to create meals together. The first 2 books are Mexican cuisine (because most kids love these foods), and the third one is part of the series "Easy Menu Ethnic Cookbooks".  I selected "Cooking The English Way" by Barbara W. Hill as my first book in the ethnic series because the foods are recognizable and W wanted to try English tea time since seeing it mentioned on a program. I'll post later on making scones, tea and shortbread!

Since today is Fat Tuesday, I think we'll incorporate some okra and tomatoes into gumbo!

Have a terrific day!
