I am looking forward to attending the Apologia Facebook Party this evening! I haven't tried their science books yet in our homeschool, but am looking forward to adding them in next year (I've seen the books and am impressed with them). I can't wait to see what information is shared this evening by other homeschool parents and the Apologia team.
My friend, Lexi, of the Pink and Orange Coffee blog (http://paojava.blogspot.com/ ) has been inviting me to join her in "Walls of Art Wednesday." This week our homeschool group held a Crafts Fair at the library. For a small fee, each child received 10 tickets which they could redeem for the craft of their choice. My son chose 3 foam/paper plate dinosaurs, a sailing ship, an owl, 2 different dragons, a turtle fan, and 2 more items we'll finish this week at home. I wish I'd remembered to bring a bottle of regular white glue, but I did grab my glue gun and extra glue sticks (which I used while my son "supervised"). I also brought along some extra foam stickers (my son used the letters to put his name on the back of his turtle), and a glue stick which proved totally useless on the foam (once again, really glad I brought the glue gun!). We'll probably create something "green" today for St Patrick's Day. I know there is a Leprechaun's hat coloring page in the thematic unit study. Maybe we'll make some Leprechaun dust with pistachio pudding while we're at it! (You can find the idea at www.KinderArt.com)
Have fun!
thanks susan! YOU ROCK!